Welcome our NAMIWalks Valley of the Sun Honorary Chairs

Meet Susan and Shawn Byrne, honorary chairs of the 2020-2021 NAMIWalks Valley of the Sun.

The couple shares their heartfelt reasons for why they walk and support NAMI Valley of the Sun.

Why we walk

“We are involved in the NAMI Valley of the Sun Walk to honor our departed loved ones lost to mental illness and to support NAMI, as well as all those affected by mental illness.

The NAMI Family to Family classes we attended after our son David was diagnosed at age 16 helped us better understand what he was going through and gave us strategies to cope as well as hope for the future.

We wish we had known earlier about NAMI and want to get the word out about the resources they provide. Working together, we can reduce the stigma and provide better support and compassion for those suffering.

Please help us make the world a better place by supporting NAMI and the hope it gives to those who are affected by mental illness.

Click here to read more about Susan and Shawn

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